
Quiet On The Set

For the better part of two weeks, our junior high team has been writing video curriculum for the fall. We are hoping to create a dozen stand-alone lessons that will help out small group leaders when they need a break from our curriculum, haven't had adequate time to prepare, or simply feel like throwing in a DVD instead of working through the usual curriculum. The best way to describe these videos would be as short, simple, low budget, junior high friendly, NOOMA style videos with places sprinkled all throughout to pause the DVD and allow students to discuss what's being communicated. I'm excited about the concept, but not sure what the final result will be. My hope is that we can create a neat way for our small group students to engage in the lesson time. We start tomorrow with the goal of filming all twelve lessons in a three day period. That will leave us the entire summer to edit them and re-shoot some if necessary.


Anonymous said...

good idea. hope it goes well.

Anonymous said...

Spread the wealth man!!! Any plans to share these vids when they are done?