
Websites Galore....

I stumbled upon this website a few weeks back. It has a massive listing of faith-based websites in a wide variety of categories. I'm not vouching for the links, but it's probably worth adding to your favorites and browsing through every now and then.


Anonymous said...

Hi there Kurt,

We've never met, but thanks for sending a ton of folks to our site today! I hear you on not "vouching" for the sites per se--I'm probably the only one who's been to them all! Its not that I agree with each one 100% (that would cause one's brain to implode), but they do share something vital of Christ and what God might be up to in the world today. I hope this continues to be a useful resource to you.

Anonymous said...

Mike, Your site looks like a fantastic resource! Thanks for taking the time to make it available.

Anonymous said...

You might want to remove this. Someone hacked the link. It is bad, remove it quick!!!

-God Bless

Anonymous said...

Its not bad anymore. Its fixed. : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Bobby and Mike....