
Weekend Wrap Up

Attendance: Above Average
Lesson Topic: Week one of a short, two-week series called MAKE YOUR MARK
'Fun Factor': Above Average
Volunteer Involvement: Average
Music: Average
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 29 minutes
Student Response: Above Average

Lots of fun, creative, out-of-the-ordinary stuff this weekend....especially around the lesson. A couple hours before church on Saturday, I called Matt Hall (one of our JH pastors) and told him I had a fun idea for introducing our lesson. So, we got to church a little early and threw together a really fun little 'skit' as part of my intro. that relied heavily on Matt's ability to ad-lib which he did perfectly.
The highlight of the weekend was our guest Chris Simning. Chris was our Summer camp speaker this year and made a huge impact on our students. As an 8th grader several years ago, Chris woke up one morning and couldn't lift his head. He's now 38 years old and has spent the past 24 years suffering from a rare muscle disease that effects his ability to walk and talk normally. I wrapped up my lesson on making a mark (making a difference in the world) by asking Chris to share his story. As soon as he stepped to the stage, the place went totally quiet. Our students were captivated by his story. It was one of the more powerful moments we've experienced in a while.

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