
Random Randomness

- I was in Colorado Sunday night through Tuesday and have never seen so much snow in my life! In 48 hours, I saw more snow than in my previous 40 years combined.

- Answered prayer: Kayla's wrist is healing well. It looks like her cast is going to come off in just a couple weeks.

- I'm not 'pro war' but it seems to me that the only way to a) get out of Iraq quickly and b) to get out victoriously (not even sure what that means), would include a big increase in troops, fire power. Of course an all out withdrawl would get us home very soon, but I'm not sure that would leave the people of Iraq in a very good position. Gosh, I really do hate the whole, stinkin' mess!

- My 7th grade daughter is going to Kenya on a missions trip in a month without mom or dad. Today it suddenly hit me: 'Crap! my 7th grade daughter is going to Kenya on a missions trip in a month without mom or dad!'

- If a junior higher spends 10 minutes a day in quiet time and reading the bible, it adds up to 5 hours... or 1/2 a day each month! Not bad.

- For some reason, the new iPhone isn't all that attractive to me.

- Only 4 days til 24!


Anonymous said...

now only 3

(uncontrolled maniacal laughter)


Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm with you on the iphone. I would love to have that phone and would even be willing to leave my long time love of Verizon to get it.
