

We walked a few blocks last night to a great Italian place for a late dinner. The neat thing about downtown Indy is that virtually everything is connected by indoor skywalks so you rarely need to go outside to brave the cold.

After a really good meal, we were all feeling a little daring so we decided to walk home in the great outdoors instead of in the skywalk. Of course this idea was dreamed up by a bunch of people from Southern California whose idea of cold is 45 degrees!. It was 9 degrees outside and took about 1 minute for us to regret our decision. 10 minutes later we got to the hotel and my toes were freezing. The dude at the skate shop never thought to tell me that the Converse shoes I was purchasing would be a terrible choice to wear should I ever find myself in Indy late at night walking on icy, snowy streets in sub-freezing weather.

Good times.

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