
Monday Miscellaneous

- Joined Twitter about a week ago. Interesting. I'm surprised that I enjoy getting frequent updates from buddies.

- This was a great weekend in our JH ministry. We kicked off our "Heroes...from average to awesome" series with a lesson on Gideon. Lots of creative elements, great music and a pretty good lesson. We had students totally engaged from start to finish.

- I'm sure I'll see Indiana Jones even though I'm not a huge fan and I've heard this one is a bit of a let down which is a bummer considering all the hype and incredible hassle to get it done.

- It's hot, hot, hot and I'm realizing that I'm not quite ready for Summer. I'm ready for all the fun it brings, just not for the heat!

- Last night, a crew of us snuck into the Refinery, our soon-to-open student center, to play the inaugural game of basketball on the new court. High temps mixed with stuffy building mixed with lack of running water. But we had a Great time.

- Not sure which I'm more excited about: Our upcoming Mission trip to the Apache Indian Reservation in AZ. or my vacation that immediately follows. I haven't taken a full week off in well over a year and we have absolutely nothing planned for this one....which is PERFECT!


Anonymous said...

Love your updates.
What were some of the creative elements you used with Gideon?
Doing a similar sort of thing and always looking for new ideas.

Kurt Johnston said...

- I used an object lesson where I simply dropped a clay pot on the floor and blew a trumpet like God had Gideon's men do. It worked because I kinda made fun of the "Battle Plan" that Gideon had to sell...'Okay, guys here's what we're gonna do.'

Also, toward the end of my talk we had a guy come out and sing Julio Iglesia "I can be your hero" while playing keyboards. We had a big guy in a batman outfit doing a interpretive dance to it....hilarious.