
Things I'm Thinking About

I have no answers, and I'm not even sure WHAT I think about these things, but this is stuff on my mind today:

- Where is youth ministry really headed? Does it have to be headed anywhere specific? Is it our role to try to figure that out and direct it that way?

- When does being pragmatic become a liability? To me, theology and doctrine without practical application is somewhat pointless but I wonder at what point pragmatism gets in the way?

- If Christ were to whisper into my ear his top 5 priorities for youth ministry, what would they be (pragmatism at it's finest!)?

- If I eat two chili dogs for lunch, what are the odds I will suffer from heart burn later?


Anonymous said...

Totally worth the heart burn.

Now I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

One thing He may whisper "Love them where they are, Lead them with your life, let Me do the rest."

Thats just coming from a new to the Jr. High Ministry, Youth Pastor in a small town though.

Love the blog and would love to discuss Jr. High ministry with you some time. Enjoy your time in the airport today.


Chuck Van Hook
Jr. High Pastor @ The Gathering Church (www.thegatheringfamily.com)