
A New Writing Season and Prayer Requests

Today I start another writing season with the goal of being in Starbuck's by 6:30 a.m. each morning (today was 'day one' and I was thirty minutes late....). I'm excited about two projects I get to be a part of:

- The third and fourth books of the 'Middle School Survival' series that I'm writing with Marko. The first two, My Faith and My Family, turned out to be surprisingly good and I'm thrilled to start the next two, My Friends and My School.

- Group Publishing is releasing a new Youth Bible (or maybe a re-released version of a previous Youth Bible....?) and have asked me to contribute in several areas. I really don't feel like I have the time for an additional project, but I also feel like the opportunity to contribute to a Bible project is one worth pursuing. Helping teenagers dig into God's word is worth a little extra work, isn't it?

Now for something completely different. I've never posted prayer requests on this blog, but I sure would appreciate being lifted to the Father in a few key areas:

- Our junior high team at Saddleback is losing a key member due to the fact that she fell in love with and is marrying one of our interns who is from Oklahoma! This means I am beginning a search for a female associate to lead our small group ministry which is a huge role.

- We have what seems to be a bigger than normal amount of students and volunteers going through health, family, and personal turmoil.

- My daughter broke her wrist over Christmas break (She wiped out on a quad...). She's fine, but stressed because it's her writing arm and school is going to be a challenge.

- My fourth grade son is very strong-willed, which brings a lot of positive qualities as well as negative. Lately, our family has been experiencing more of the negative than the positive.


Anonymous said...

Praying, Kurt!

Anonymous said...

how 'bout we consider these the third and fourth books (instead of second and third), since we already wrote two! :)

Anonymous said...

OOPS! I just fixed it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt-
Whats going on? I'm writing from all the way over in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My name is Ryan. 2006 was a huge year for me. Last spring I got married, last summmer I took on the role as Junior High Director at my church-Corinth Reformed, and last fall I began Bible College full time.
I'm crazy about my position at my church! Since then I've learned a bit more about you! I'm just about to finish Controlled Chaos and begin reading the MSSS Faith book. I've also picked up the Whole Enchilada and will begin some series from those starting this Sunday. Thanks for all the help you send out to Jr High Pastors, Directors and Leaders. Hopefully I'll get to meet you in Feb at the Youth Conference.
Next time I post to your blog I'll have our website done and link it.

Thanks Kurt!

In Christ,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by. I'll be hanging out at the conference the entire time and would love to meet you.
Welcome to the world of marriage and middle school ministry (two of my favorite things)!

God's best,