
Weekend Wrap Up

Above Average
'Fun Factor': Above Average
Music: Average
Lesson: Below Average
Volunteer Involvement: Above Average
Student Response: Below Average

We decided to do something different this weeend and I'm not sure it went as well as we'd hoped. Over the course of the year, we teach on our five purposes in one way or another. This weekend we were teaching on the purpose of worship and decided that, in order to help our students gain a broader understanding of it, we wouldn't have any music. Our students, like most people, define worship as singing songs at church. Our hope was that a weekend without music would help them re-define the act of worship. We broke our lesson into three teaching slots and had a different person teach each time. In between we had games, videos, group discussion and some other stuff. While I think we reached our overall goal, I feel like the program was way too choppy and broken up which made it tough for students to track.
But we tried something new and I'm glad we did.

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