
My Favorite Mag

Historically, I've been much more of a magazine and periodical reader than a reader of books. I've really only started reading a lot of books in the past five years or so. I read Surfer, Surfing, Rolling Stone, Youth Worker Journal, Group, Leadership Journal and a few others. But, without question, my favorite magazine is Fast Company. Interestingly, I can't really put my finger on why! It doesn't have much applicable ministry content, it isn't sports related...but it's just so dang cool. I guess what draws me to it is its focus on creative, initiative taking companies and entrepreneurs. In this month's issue alone, they feature Puma, Sirius radio, Google, and Virgin Atlantic Airlines.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more! It's the people magazine of the business world. Great content but not too long. I'm always inspired to hear about innovation and human behavior.