

At the late-night Middle School Ministry Idea Lab on Friday night I wrapped up our time by asking people to share 'one big win intheir ministry in the past year'. After setting it up, I braced myself for what I was sure was about to come: Lots of reporting on superficial stuff like breaking attendence records or having a great lock-in etc. Instead, every single report was about some sort of 'win' that really meant something. Reports of students being baptized, hurting kids being reconciled, run-aways coming home and so on.

I was encouraged by what was, perhaps, the biggest win of them all: A bunch of middle school youth workers who understand what really matters!

I was a little disappointed in myself for expecting something less.


Anonymous said...

Way to be real. Your transparency is something that makes you such a great guy, a terrific leader, an outstanding youth pastor, and a brilliant role model.

(shout out to your bro-in-law James and his fellow countrymen for their terrific use of the word 'brilliant' which I eloquently expressed above)

Anonymous said...

Very cool. Sounds like they have been led well.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I was there at the Jr High Late Night and I really learned alot and was very encouraged by it all. It was great to learn that I wasn't the only Jr. High minister that had questions and the ideas given were awesome and very helpful.
Thank You