
Maximum Occupancy

...I'm wondering if this is what it looks like when Willow Creek takes their junior high ministry to the local water park.


Joshua Johnson said...

That was CRAZY! That has to be breaking some safety codes.

Jeff said...

Funny, I was kind of wondering if that was what it looked like when Saddleback took their Jr. High ministry....

Oh wait, there would be two things wrong with that theory:

1. Why go to a waterpark when you live near a beach.
2. No Kurt Johnston surfing over the heads of the kids!

James said...

That's nasty. NASTY. The water (when you actually get to see it), is a yellow-brown colour. Germ central. I would bet that 60% of the liquid in that pool didn't start off in that pool...naaaaasty.

Ron said...

Oh my gosh! That is crazy! Yeah, i think a couple of safety codes are being broken. wow! How do you do that and not have a dozen people drown every day? Made me panic just watching.