
Monday Miscellaneous

- This past weekend we wrapped up our six-week series, The Face of Love. We rarely do such long series, but it was part of a church-wide emphasis. Two weeks ago, we started having a Friday morning "Talk Through" of our weekend program because it felt like we were showing up on Saturday without a good enough grasp on what we were doing. So far, the results have been tremendous and well worth the extra effort.

- I feel really tired. Since the opening of our building in June, our team has been running 110% all the time. But the end of October looks like it will bring a little bit of down time for all of us.

- Big game tonight! A Broncos win will put them in the driver's seat of the AFC West.

- My wife and I have been meaning to for years, and today....at the deadline...we officially switched our voting registration to "Decline to State", which puts us as independents. I feel like I'm betraying my party....and my parents!

- Speaking of parents: I feel like I was a crappy one this weekend. I wasn't around much, I over-reacted to a situation with Cole, and when I was around, I choose to huddle up and watch too much football. Unlike me, and probably a sign of my fatigue.

- Heading out for a short date day with Rachel. Smiles all around.


Anonymous said...

My wife and I just registered as independents. We just couldn't throw our support behind one party or another. In his farewell address george Washington warned about the divisiveness of political parties and warned that such parties often lead to false alarms and jealousy. Frighteningly prophetic for today!

Pat said...

41-7, guess the AFC West is still up for grabs.

Stacy said...

I love it that you and Rach go looking at Open Houses for fun! It's one of my favorite things to do but my hubby feels otherwise.