
Random Randomness

- Enjoyed a fantastic Thanksgiving yesterday with both sides of the family. Sure missed having my dad there.

- Shows that I watched PART of during the course of the day: Lions/Titans game, Cowboys/Seahawks game, James Bond, Godfather parts 1&2, Texas/Texas A&M game, Kung Fu Panda, Dirty jobs, and others that I'm forgetting. Yes...it was a LAZY day!

- Today I'm trying to figure out whether to shop for black friday specials, take Cole to what will certainly be a crowded Vans skate park, clean my garage, See a movie with the entire family or some crazy combination of all the above.

- My new favorite drink (one that I "invented" on a plane trip a few months back but forgot about until a couple days ago)is cranberry juice with a slice of lime squeezed in. I call it a "CRIME". I'm sure there's a formal name for it, but hadn't ever heard of it until my discovery so I figured I could come up with my own name.

- Absolutely loving the cooler weather that has visited us for the past few days.

- Excited about this week's junior high lesson. We are going to attempt to, in 20 short minutes, educate our students on how to use various tools to study the bible on their own. Probably not the most exciting lesson, but an important one.

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