
Weekend Wrap Up

Attendance: Below Average
Lesson Topic: Week 2 of "When I Was Your Age"
'Fun Factor': Above Average
Volunteer Involvement: Average
Music: Above Average
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 21 minutes
Student Response: Above Average

We had a really fun weekend! Shaun Blakeney, our high school Pastor, taught the lesson so that our 8th graders could have a chance to meet him before they move into high school. Our music was strong, games were great and the overall energy of the weekend felt really high. Because it was Father's Day, our attendance was so low on Sunday night that we decided to combine our junior high and high school programs which is something we rarely do.


Lucas said...

How do determine student responce and fun factor for each weekend? At are some things you look for?

Kurt Johnston said...

It's totally subjective. I try to gauge how 'into' the program students seem to be. Are they enjoying the games, singing along, engaged in the lesson etc. Nothing scientific at all!

I have noticed that quite often I will 'read' something differently than others on my team or the students. There have been times that I feel like a game is struggling, but students comment on it later or times a think a message will be a home run, that ends up being a strike out! The 'Weekend Wrap Up' is meant to be an objective observation concerning stuff totally subjective in nature! :)