
Humor 101

While driving my freshmen daughter, Kayla, into school this morning we had this super short conversation:

ME: "Kayla, I'm thinking that hanging out there on a Friday night probably isn't such a great idea. that place just seems to attract the super rowdy crowd.

KAYLA: "True, but they are the same kids I go to school with every day."

ME: "True, but at least at school they are forced to be somewhat under control."

KAYLA: "Have you ever seen my math class?"

Classic. But the funniest part to me is that out of all her classes it's the MATH class that is rowdy!


G B said...

i liked that stroy...i don't know why it is but my math classes were always the rowdiest too...

i have followed your blog for a while and really like it! thanks for sharing with us.

you got me motivated to start my own..

thanks for sharing!

Ariel said...

Teenagers ...ha! I love youth ministry.